500 years da Vinci experience
Blog | 17/12/2019
Expo Leonardo Da Vinci, 500 anos de um gênio, na Água Branca - de 02/11/2019 a 01/03/2020
É uma experiência imersiva e de interação, com galerias de projeções e animações gráficas em alta definição, que faz a gente conhecer a vida e o legado de Da Vinci. Há também uma análise da pintura mais famosa do mundo, realizada no Louvre.
A mostra apresenta 18 áreas temáticas e traz réplicas de máquinas desenhadas pelo artista italiano renascentista, tais como bicicleta, paraquedas, helicóptero. Combina conteúdo multimídia e narrativa em áudio, proporcionando uma vivência educativa e esclarecedora a todos e é muito divertida!
MIS EXPERIENCE - an exhibition dedicated to immersive and interactive shows. It opens the space with more than 200 images and graphic animations along with 75 machines models build after the renaissance master's sketches for bicycle, parachute and helicopter.
#graffiti #misexperience500anosdavinci

#drawingsketch #misexperience500anosdavinci

Leonardo sketched a type of crank-operated paddle boat with shovel-shaped paddles, based in part on the shape of the fins of fish. The operator worked two pedals with his feet. Using the principle of reciprocating motion, the pedals would set the paddle wheels moving in a counter-clockwise direction to propel the craft forwards. #technology #leonardodavinci #saopaulo #brazil #tourguides

Wirklich eine sehr interessante Ausstellung in São Paulo. Läuft bis 1. März. #saopaulo #reiseleiterin #stadtrundfahrt #brasilien

Leonardo da Vinci - from November 2nd until March 1st.

Earlier inventors had developed designs to help people breathe underwater. In Leonardo’s enhanced design, a watertight leather tunic is reinforced by armour to protect the air bag from being compressed in deep water. Flexible cane hoses, with leather joints reinforced by spirals of metal, drew in air from above the surface, and valves regulated the air intake. The hoses were supported by a floating cork which served as a buoy. Leonardo though this diving suit would enable men to repair the hulls of ships underwater or permit an army of divers to march underwater to attack the hulls of enemy ships undetected. #artinsaopaulo #tourguide #travelguide #brazil

Marking the 500th anniversary of the death of the Renaissance master! #artinsaopaulo #brasilien

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