Coronavirus and quarantine
Blog | 450 | 13/03/2020
Fofolete e eu ❤️

Sobre como os animais estão nos locais de quarentena.

🇧🇷 Não podemos esquecer a história; é com ela que aprendemos os erros e acertos da humanidade. Desde janeiro estou preocupada com o Coronavírus e quando Veneza fechou o Carnaval este ano por causa do vírus, na hora lembrei da Peste... Ela também começou na China (no Wikipedia se vocês lerem tudo, diz até que foi na província de Hubei, na China, mas internet precisa ser double checked para se ter certeza dos dados) e entrou na Europa via Veneza. Naquela época levou alguns anos para espalhar, mas não era como hoje, tudo globalizado... 🇺🇸 We cannot forget history; that’s the way we learn the mistakes and successes of humanity. Since January, I've been worried about the Coronavirus and when Venice closed Carnival this year because of the virus, right on that moment at I had to remember the Plague ... It has also started in China (if you read on Wikipedia it even says it was in Hubei province, in China, but internet needs to be double checked to be sure of the data) and entered Europe via Venice. At that time it took a few years to spread, but it was not like today, with everything globalized ...

🇧🇷 Meu tbt de hoje... nada a ver com vírus de agora e não foi premonição. Era apenas uma viagem de férias em Julho, em Águas de Lindóia, quando teve um eclipse lunar e estávamos subindo o ponto mais alto da cidade para assistir assim que o sol se pusesse. Como tinha muita poeira - foi um inverno muito seco - usamos máscaras. 🇺🇸 My tbt today ... nothing to do with Coronavirus and it wasn’t a premonition. It was just a vacation trip in July, on the night of a lunar eclipse, and we were driving before sunset to the highest point of the city to watch it. Because there was a lot of dust - it was a very dry winter - we used masks.

Good news: in a deserted Venice the canals become crystal clear! Venice's quarantine and absence of traffic makes canals clear again. The canals of Venice have become as clear as streams thanks to the absence of tourists and much-reduced traffic due to Italy's quarantine measures to tackle the Coronavirus outbreak. The bottom of the canals can be now be seen, with fish clearly visible as they weave their way through the channels of the north Italian lagoon city. The enhanced visibility of the canals is seen as a direct effect of the lack of pollution from the city's normally-busy vaporetti as well as the drastically-reduced movement of other boats and cruise ships.

Since yesterday in self quarantine and working home office. A little bit strange for a tour guide... but at least I’m still working as travel agent and helping people to go back to their own countries

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