Tours 2017

TOURS Find your picture | 226 | 21/10/2019

Tours 2017 - 1

TBT 2017

Tours 2017 - 3

TBT 2017

Tours 2017 - 5

TBT 2017 working for @nextour_concierge with a very big group and with the tour guides @italianoemsaopaulo and @cerejatourguide

🇧🇷 TBT de 2017 de um restaurante que não existe mais neste endereço tão turístico... o Santinho fechou há pouco tempo, devido a pandemia. Saudades de ir ao buffet.

🇺🇸 2017 TBT from a restaurant that no longer exists at this very touristic address ... Santinho recently closed due to the pandemic. I really miss it.

🇩🇪 TBT 2017 aus einem Restaurant, das an dieser sehr touristischen Adresse nicht mehr existiert ... Santinho hat vor kurzem wegen der Pandemie geschlossen. Ich vermisse es sehr.


Tours 2017 - 8
Tours 2017 - 9
Tours 2017 - 10


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Erika Schemann


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