Tours August 2022

TOURS Find your picture | 807 | 03/09/2022



Brazilian artists @pinacotecasp : the best place in São Paulo to understand how we started the Brazilian Modernism 🇧🇷

1. Tarsila do Amaral 2. Almeida Júnior 3. Cândido Portinari 4. Museu Homem do Nordeste


Brazilian artist Leonora de Barros, 2003, @pinacotecasp


Aqui é o local para aprender sobre a arte brasileira e aproveitei para mostrar ao meu turista alemão e hoje. Falamos também sobre os modernistas….


Second day of the tour with my German tourist


During today’s tour, showing how big São Paulo is 🇧🇷


First day of the tour with a German tourist. We stated the tour at the Asian neighborhood, walked all over downtown and finished at Liberdade again. Tomorrow we’ll visit other areas in São Paulo 😃


Tours August 2022 - 15

Sé Cathedral, another site we have visited today.


Tours August 2022 - 17

My German tourist today, checking one of the touristic sites we have in downtown: the Jesuit school, foundation of São Paulo city.


Tours August 2022 - 19

@skyebarunique is really a nice place to visit if you’re in São Paulo because you’ll have this amazing view and see nice people.


My tourist group having dinner tonight 😋


Tours August 2022 - 23

Starting my job now @hotelunique and soon dinner @skyebarunique with my new group.


Tours August 2022 - 25

Many rooftops in São Paulo ❤️


Tours August 2022 - 28

Mais um tour com turistas suíços. Um deles veio a São Paulo no ano passado, passeamos por alguns lugares e ele resolveu voltar agora para conhecer melhor a cidade!


Tours August 2022 - 30

It is always a pleasure to show some of the rooftop views we have in São Paulo. This time, for a German group by @amtoursdmcbr


Private tour on Thursday for @amtoursdmcbr showing to my German tourist the largest park in São Paulo city 😃


Another tour this week (on Thursday) with a German group for @amtoursdmcbr


Hoje de manhã, apreciando a vista da Avenida Paulista antes de começar o tour.


Tours August 2022 - 38

Heute Stadtrundgang durch Avenlda Paulista und Besichtigung bei MASP Museum.


Tours August 2022 - 40

Durante tour de hoje, passamos na Igreja São Luiz Gonzaga, que foi inaugurada em 1935. Possui estilo greco-romano, sendo projeto do ex-aluno do Colégio São Luís, o engenheiro e arquiteto Luís de Anhaia Mello.

O grande pórtico em estilo jônico foi inspirado no Templo de Erecteion, em Atenas, Grécia. Suas colunas, de 11 metros em granito rosa, são encimadas por capitéis de bronze, que pesam 3 toneladas, modelados e fundidos no Liceu de Artes e Ofícios de São Paulo.


InSão Paulo city you can find graffitis everywhere! That’s what I showed to my American / Ukrainian tourists today 😃 Asian neighborhood, Naruto for sure!


Tours August 2022 - 44

My tourists from today, happy after buying @havaianas 🇧🇷


Tours August 2022 - 46

Today my tourists wanted to buy @havaianas and I took them to this big store. Here you’ll find other products from Havaianas and can even customize your flip flops. Nice, isn’t it?


Olha só o painel que vi hoje em frente à prefeitura da cidade!


Tours August 2022 - 51

Tour today with a Tourist and doctor from Iraq 🇮🇶


Tours August 2022 - 53

During my tours at Pateo do Colégio, in addition to explaining the foundation of the city of São Paulo, I make a point of telling more about the life of this incredible Jesuit who lived here in the 16th century. Here you can see a relic of him.


Tours August 2022 - 55

Walking tour in downtwon area today with two cool German tourists. 🇩🇪


Tours August 2022 - 57


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Que vista linda


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Erika Schemann


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